Clothing Guide

Clothing Guide

 Clothing Guidelines for Tourists

In Iran, which is an Islamic country, women must comply with a set of rules known generally as “dress Code”

Although these rules are not strictly enforced on foreign tourists, all tourists should bear in mind that each country has its own regulations, and Iran is no exception.

Dress code for women:


Tunic is a good choice for women on summer trips to Iran.


Since the rule stipulates that women must cover their hair, they must wear headscarves in Iran. However, they can use lightweight and colorful headscarves.

Women’s hair and body should be covered, although there is nothing wrong with leaving some hair out.


sandales are just fine for both men and women, especially in summer .it wouldn’t make any problem to wear nail polish on the nails of both feet and hands.

Dress code for men:

Fortunately, rules are less strict for men. Men are not allowed to appear in public in shorts and underwear or items like that, but they can wear T-shirts.


Full body coverage is recommended in holy places such as mosques and the Shrine of an Imāmzādeh, an immediate descendant of a Shi’a Imam. ‘Chador’ is often provided on site for visitors and tourists.

Since Iranians value carpets, please take your shoes off in holy carpeted places.

In cold seasons, it is recommended that you take items of warm clothing with you.

All the above-mentioned rules need to be observed in public sites, but they’re quite flexible in nature tours.

To view more photos of PTA’s nature tours, click on the Instagram link.

Tailored Clothing for Women

For the convenience of our female clients, PTA can provide a typical, modern “overcoat” like what is worn by the majority of female Iranians while in public. PTA will have it sewn according to your size and requested color and deliver it to you in the airport. This piece of clothing is free of charge for the clients of PTA tours. For all other customers, the cost is 25 €. If you are interested to have it please kindly send your request to

Please consult the table below and inform us of your size when you make your request for this piece of clothing.              



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